2023 April Sermon Notes


Insights in Palm Sunday.

Luke 19: 28-

  1. God uses people for His kingdom work

  2. Sometimes God says go, sometimes God says give, sometimes God says do both. V 30-33. (Am I Willing?)

  3. Jesus is always worthy to be praised V 37

  4. There will always be skeptics, hypocrites in the crowd. Don’t let that destroy your faith V 39

  5. God weeps over lost souls; so should we

  6. Don’t miss the time of God coming to you


Luke 24:  1-

  1. Reminder - Remember what He said. V 8

  2. Report - they spread the word. V 8

  3. Refusal - they didn’t believe -  fear

  4. Replacement - they see the Lord, their fear was gone and replaced with Joy.


Don’t Lose Heart!

2nd Corinthians 4:16-18

Therefore we do not lose heart  v 16

A. Why do we lose heart ?

  1. We are pressured V 8

  2. We are perplexed

  3. We are persecuted V 9

  4. We suffer powerful blows  V 9

B. How do we keep going?

  1. We need to reclaim the power V 7

  2. Reclaim the purpose

  3. Reclaim the promise V 15

  4. Reclaim the prize V 17


Keys to Stress Free Living

Philippians 4:4-7

  1. Rejoicing heart V 4

  2. A gentle spirit V 5  ( let it be evident in our lives)

  3. Don’t worry or be anxious about anything V 6

  4. Pray about everything  V 6

  5. Peaceful Mind V 7


Uncertainty…seems like yea only things that’s certain

John 11:  Story of Lazarus - (if only)

  1. Walk in the light  V 9-10

  2. Weigh in on eternity ( Resurrection) V 25-26

  3. Watch expectantly (for the unexpected) V 40

    Believe and see the glory of God

2023 March Sermon Notes


Nehemiah 1-4; Nehemiah 2:5; Nehemiah 4:10-14

Building the Wall Back

Accomplish God’s Purpose

  1. Need a committed leader - Neh 2

  2. Work on a common goal - Neh 3

  3. Need people to do their part Neh 3-

  4. Accomplish God’s Purpose

  5. Stay focused and stay on task


It’s Time to Make a Choice

(As for me and my household, we will serve the  Lord)

Joshua 24: 13-15

  1. Divine instructions-

    A.  Fear the Lord. V 1

    B.  Respond to the Lord

    C. Repent before the Lord- put away other gods

  2. The invitation

    A.  It’s an individual invitation - choose for yourself V 15

    B. Immediate - today

  3. The initiative-  V 15

    A. Surrender to the Father - but as for me

    B. Surrender of the family  - we will serve the Lord


Proverbs 27:16 ;  I Peter 3:

  1. A nagging wife? You should brag and not nag

    A.  Conduct of cherishing your husband

    B.  Conduct of modesty - humility


Gut-Wrenching Experience

Sheep without a shepherd

Matthew 9: 35-38

  1. There are still a lot of lost sheep

    A.  Sheep without a shepherd act differently without a shepherd ( hopeless, helpless )

  2. Jesus yearns for the lost to be found - we have to go to where they are

  3. Jesus wants to empower us to find the lost sheep

    Matthew 28: all authority has been given to you to go

  4. Jesus wants us to love and understand the lost sheep

  5. Jesus wants to send us

2023 February Sermon Note


His Needs/Her Needs by Willard Harley

Her Needs

Eph 5:25-29

  1. Affection - symbolizes security, protection, comfort and approval

    A.  I’ll take care of you and protect you. You are important to me.

    B. I’m concerned about the problems you face.

    C. I think you have done a good job and I am proud of you.

             D. For women, affection has little to do with sex


His Needs/Her Needs

Side tracked - Pyramid of marriage and life

Construct your life and marriage with God first

Ist Peter 3:17

  1. Communication

    A. Conversation:  Bible teaches that me are supposed to dwell with their wives according to knowledge

    It takes time to communicate


His Needs/Her Needs

Communication Continued

B. Types of Communication

  • The liar

    -avoid trouble

    -the protector

    -little white lies

We should be gentle in confrontation

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

A gentle answer

Represents Godly character. Colossians  3:15

Replicate Jesus

Repels Anger

Refreshes the other person

His Needs | Her Needs
Reason Needs are Not Met
1,. Ignorance is the inability to understand and appreciate the other’s needs, or thinks they know everything. Matthew 7:4
2. Selfishness is an unwillingness to meet those needs. One is a heart problem, and the other is a head problem. One can be solved by information, the other is repentance. Both have to be addressed to improve. Eph 6:4
SIDE NOTE: Children: Father’s should be involved in every aspect of their children’s lives.
A, Train by example
B. Discipline (consistent but with love
C. Love them

2023 January Sermon Notes


The Ultimate Resolution - We need to reboot!

Philippians 3:

Resolution : Determined to do something or not do something.

Paul’s resolution, I am not going to quit. I am going to press on. 

  1. Honest evaluation of ourself  -we are not perfect

  2. Profound declaration v 12

    a. Press- life is not a cake walk

    b. Purpose

  3. Devout affirmation v forget what is behind and move forward



God will call you to follow Him

Believing in God , you may not know

  1. Where

  2. When

  3. How

  4. It may be as helping  others and not ourselves.


I Timothy  5

Don’t Tap Out

A good soldier will

  1. Endure and trust God

  2. Have courage, commitment and sacrifice

  3. Live without entanglements

  4. Seek to please God


Philippians 3:7-14

Trading in your Garbage for Knowing Christ

  1. Lose the garbage to gain Christ - v 7 Count everything I have as loss to gain Christ

  2. Find yourself in Him- v 8

  3. Genuinely know Him - v10

      Know Him in the resurrection

      Know Him in your suffering

  4. Join the marathon and press on for the finish line- v 12 -14

December Sermon Notes

Gratitude Service Multiple speakers about the ministries of PCF


Open the Eyes of Your Heart
Ephesians1: 13-23
1.  Spiritual eyes that see are eyes that see HOPE in Christ. V 18
2. Eyes that see the LOVE God has for us

3. Eyes that see SUPERNATURAL Power V 19

Christmas Musical

Seeing the Possible in the Impossible
Luke 1: 5-
(Zachariah and Elizabeth) He had been praying for a long time for a child and then after the angel tells him they will have a child - he questions Gabriel in unbelief.  Zachariah was disciplined-  he couldn't talk until John was born) Then Gabriel goes to Mary and she believed and Gabriel blessed her. 

  • They both ask a biological question

  • They both ask a logical question

  • They both ask scientific question

NOTE: How do you see what is going on in your life?

1. The Power of God is not just a thing of the past

2. Don't put God is a Box

3. Faith still moves the heart of God