2025 February Sermon Notes

Overcoming Obstacles

I Samuel 7: 1-

I Corinthians 5:7

  1.    Get rid of the junk- V3 (remove the foreign gods and return to Lord)

  2.   Get right with God- V4 (serve Him-enjoy the journey)
  3.   Get ready for the battle-V5 (walk by Faith)

Jeremiah 18:1-6
The Potter and the Clay

  1. He is patient with me! V3

  2. He removes my imperfections V4

  3. He directs my course V4

  4.  He helps in my circumstances V6 (al things work together)

  5.  He is incredibly excite about me and my potential V4

Zephaniah 3:17  The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing". The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing". 


Evangelism Done Right 

Acts 15:36 

Right Evangelism calls for:

1). Right Evangelism v 35

2). Right Priority v 36

3). Right Personnel  v 38

4). Right Precautions v 1-3

Let Go and Let God… But How!

Cast your care on Him

I Peter 5-671

  1.  What is your evaluation of God?  “The mighty hand of God” Is 40-28-29

  2.  How do you evaluate yourself.  “Humble yourselves therefore”

  3.  What is your evaluation of God’s for? Psalm 119:105-107. Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path… Revive me, O Lord!

  4.  What is your evaluation of prayer? Philippians 4:6-7. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 


2025 January Sermon Notes

John 5:1-16

  1. Jesus will rescue you

  2. Jesus never asked a dumb question  V 5 - “Do you want to be healed?” Some people don’t want to be healed

  3. Jesus never asked for excuses

  4. Jesus is not concerned with tradition and legalism. 

  5. Jesus loves us right where we are, but loves us enough not to leave us there. 

Giving Back- Commitment Sunday
 Commit yourself
  1. A heart check- where is your heart- Matthew 6:21- Where your treasure is there your heart will be also
  2. Gut check- Pslalms 139: 23 -Search me of God
  3  Faith check- Hebrews 11: 6 - Without faith it is impossible to please God
  4. Vision check- Provers 29:18 - Where there is no vision the people will perish

Strapping Up Yur Boots & Living Out God’s Word 
James 1: 19-27

  1. Practical Life Application

  2. React Without Anger V 19-20

  3. React to the call of action V 22-25. Be doers- don’t just listen

  4. React to the oppressed. V 27  (share hope by out reach)

James 2:1-13
The Problem of Favoritism
1.   Blurs evangelism V 1-4 2. 
2. Blurs our eyes to see like Jesus V 5-7
3.  Blurs the ‘Royal Law’ of love V8-11. Love your neighbor
4.  Blocks us from Jesus V 12-13- Judgement is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy


2024 December Sermon Notes


How Do You See the World 

Matthew 9: 35

  1. The pity of the harvest (he saw those who were harassed-show compassion) 

  2. The potential of the harvest (the harvest is plentiful)

  3. The problem (the workers are few)

  4. The power of the harvest (ask the Lord to send workers into the field 


We Can’t Rest Yet
Nehemiah 4 10-14

  1. The fatigue factor  V 10 -the strength of the laborers is fading

  2. The frustration factor V 10- so much rubbish

  3. The failure V10 -we can’t do it

  4. The fear factor- V 14 -  there were afraid

Keep up your guard and trust in Him!

“Add to Cart”

Matthew 11: 28-30 “Come to me all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest….

  1. Command: Come to me  (ALL OF US)
    The promise: I will give you rest (spiritual rest). Is 6:9 (He is the Prince of Peace)

  2. Command: Take my yoke
    The promise: Rest for your soul
    Luke 10: 38-41 - The story of the Mary and Martha- Martha getting the house in order, but Mary is sitting at Jesus feet 


What Does God Expect from Us

Deut 10: 12 

  1. Take inventory of who you are

       What can God expect from me?
         a. Grow His Kingdom faithfully- resources and time
         b. Talents

Joy in the Midst of Despair
James 1: 1-4; 12
How do we have joy in the midst of trials?
 1. The reality of trials V 2. The joy is knowing we have a God in control
 2. The purpose of the trial V 3-4- Growth that happens in the trial
 3. The reward of the trial V12- Remaining steadfast- faithful

2024 November Sermon Notes

2 Tim 4: 7-8 

V 7- I have fought the fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith
As far as we know, Paul never had a physical altercation

  1. Fight the real enemy - Ephesians 6:12

  2. Fight with God’s power - Jude - the archangel did not fight the devil without God’s power - Zachariah 4:6 

  3. Fight with endurance- V 6

  4. Fight with faith and confidence - V 7

  5. Fight with anticipation -V8

How to Take Off the Edge
1 Samuel 30:6 David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the LORD his God.
1.  David’s Anchor Was in God. 

2. David Remembered the Faithfulness of God. 

3. David Continued to Seek the Guidance of God. 

4. David Continued to Praise God. 

5. David Continued to Meditate in the Lord. 

Satan is trying to hide something from you
Psalms 139: 13-16
"My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and down with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals."
I pray we truly live redeemed with a secure future, walking boldly, bright, and big, obediently following King Jesus!!! 

  1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made

  2. God know everything about you

  3. God is the author and finisher of our faith

  4. What do you want God to do for you?

Obtainable Courage- Benaiah
2 Samuel 23:20-24
1. Run to the challenge- sometimes there is a risk to follow Jesus
2. Seek and influencer and become an influence
3. Never quit! 
James 4:7;  Ist Peter 5:8

2024 October Sermon Notes

2024 October Sermon  Notes 


Looking for Life In All the Wrong Places

Ecclesiastes 1:12: 14- 2:25

Solomon who was wise and had it all,  but he wasn’t happy.

Life is a vapor… it is gone

  1. He didn’t find it in the Life of Knowledge v 14, v 16

  2. He didn’t find it in a Life of Pleasure v 2 :10-11

  3. He didn’t find it in the Life of Wise Living v 13 v 15

  4. He didn’t find it in a Life of Work v 18

Only one way to find happiness - When you discover God 2:24-25


Promise Driven

Hebrew 11: 22—29

  1. Live with courage and confidence in the face of adversity v 23

  2. Live with a deep dis-satisfaction v 26 (he was looking for his reward) - Lay up treasures in heaven

3. Live with a passionate pursuit

24OCt 20
Taking Back the Overtaken
Galatians 6:1-5
1. The responsibility- V1 (Brothers and sisters in Christ-open the door)
2. The occasion- V1 (If a man is overtaken in ANY trespass)
3. The qualification - V1 (spiritual)
4. The mission -V1 (restore them
5. The attitude- V1 (in gentleness)
6. The humility- V1 (consider yourself so you won’t be tempted)

The Joy of the Lord is the Key to Spiritual Strength
Nehemiah 8: 10
1.  Enhances my witness -Peter 1:6-9
2.  Produces effectiveness and longevity in my service
3.  Gives me strength over the trials of life -John 15:11; Hebrews 1:9