John 5:1-16
Jesus will rescue you
Jesus never asked a dumb question V 5 - “Do you want to be healed?” Some people don’t want to be healed
Jesus never asked for excuses
Jesus is not concerned with tradition and legalism.
Jesus loves us right where we are, but loves us enough not to leave us there.
Giving Back- Commitment Sunday
Commit yourself
1. A heart check- where is your heart- Matthew 6:21- Where your treasure is there your heart will be also
2. Gut check- Pslalms 139: 23 -Search me of God
3 Faith check- Hebrews 11: 6 - Without faith it is impossible to please God
4. Vision check- Provers 29:18 - Where there is no vision the people will perish
Strapping Up Yur Boots & Living Out God’s Word
James 1: 19-27
Practical Life Application
React Without Anger V 19-20
React to the call of action V 22-25. Be doers- don’t just listen
React to the oppressed. V 27 (share hope by out reach)
James 2:1-13
The Problem of Favoritism
1. Blurs evangelism V 1-4 2.
2. Blurs our eyes to see like Jesus V 5-7
3. Blurs the ‘Royal Law’ of love V8-11. Love your neighbor
4. Blocks us from Jesus V 12-13- Judgement is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy