2023 February Sermon Note


His Needs/Her Needs by Willard Harley

Her Needs

Eph 5:25-29

  1. Affection - symbolizes security, protection, comfort and approval

    A.  I’ll take care of you and protect you. You are important to me.

    B. I’m concerned about the problems you face.

    C. I think you have done a good job and I am proud of you.

             D. For women, affection has little to do with sex


His Needs/Her Needs

Side tracked - Pyramid of marriage and life

Construct your life and marriage with God first

Ist Peter 3:17

  1. Communication

    A. Conversation:  Bible teaches that me are supposed to dwell with their wives according to knowledge

    It takes time to communicate


His Needs/Her Needs

Communication Continued

B. Types of Communication

  • The liar

    -avoid trouble

    -the protector

    -little white lies

We should be gentle in confrontation

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

A gentle answer

Represents Godly character. Colossians  3:15

Replicate Jesus

Repels Anger

Refreshes the other person

His Needs | Her Needs
Reason Needs are Not Met
1,. Ignorance is the inability to understand and appreciate the other’s needs, or thinks they know everything. Matthew 7:4
2. Selfishness is an unwillingness to meet those needs. One is a heart problem, and the other is a head problem. One can be solved by information, the other is repentance. Both have to be addressed to improve. Eph 6:4
SIDE NOTE: Children: Father’s should be involved in every aspect of their children’s lives.
A, Train by example
B. Discipline (consistent but with love
C. Love them