November Sermon Notes



Ephesians 4: 26-31

1. Explosive

2. Stewing, brewing, or silent indignation

3. Irritability, exasperation, and embitterment

Silent anger is just as offensive to God as explosive anger

  • Recognizing Sinless Anger V. 26 (Don't let the sun go down on your wrath)

  • Resisting satanic anger V. 27 (Don't give Satan an opportunity to win)

  • Renounce sinful anger V.31 (Let it all go)

1. Don't nurse your anger- remember anger is a choice

2. Don't rehearse your anger

3. Don't converse about your anger

4. Don't disburse your anger

5. Reverse your anger


Recognizing Breakthrough

Ruth 1 & 2

1. Don't let your bitterness hinder your breakthrough

2. Don't let your situation block you from your breakthrough

3. Don't let your comfort keep you from the breakthrough

4. You may be part of someone else's breakthrough

5. Don't let your vision keep you from the breakthrough

6. Our breakthrough is found when we find refuge in Him


Matthew 6:33

Do You Want to be Happy?

See first the kingdom of God...

1. Seek with a passion and you will be happy and content in your circumstance

2. First equals priorities - God doesn't want to be your backup plan.He wants to be THE plan

3. Kingdom - build it here. 2 Cor 4:16

4. God

4. Righteousness -

5. These things will be given to you


Mark 8:22-25

A Second Touch (it didn't work completely the first time)

1. Are you one of those people? (they brought a friend)

2. Do we care enough to beg (they pleaded to Jesus)
3. Are you willing to let Jesus do things His way? We just need to get out His way. Do not put Him in a box.

4. Do you need a second touch? v 25 Sometimes you have to own where you are to disown who you are.

(they believed Him enough to follow Him, but not to trust Him)

October Sermon Notes


5). The Praise v 5, 6

- David remembers God’s unfailing love. His faith returns

- David remembers God’s Salvation. His joy returns

- David remembers God’s goodness - Praise


Hosea 4: 6

Unnecessary Destruction

  1. Rejection

  • Rejected God’s Wisdom

  • Rejected God’s will

  1. The Reproach V 10

  • Their Desire was were worldly

  • Their Direction was not God, but sorcery V 12

  • Their Discernment - not listening to Holy Spirit

    3. Repercussion V 6

  • Loss of Fellowship with God

  • Loss of family - forget children

  • Lost their blessing (lost their fortune)


John 15: 1-8

  1. The Person

    -I am V1

2. The Pruning V2- “does bear fruit”

3. The Purpose V2- Bear more fruit

A. The Partnership- Vs 4 Abide in Me and I in you - apart from mr you can do nothing.

B. The Praise V8- by this my Farther is glorified.

C. The Proof V8- and so prove to be my disciple

a. Divine change

b. Daily conviction

c. Devout commitment


Acts 4: 13

Undeniable Evidence

V 8 - spirit filled

  1. There was a spirit filled change in their attitude

  2. Spirit filled faithfulness

3. Spirit filled worship

4. Spirit filled expectation

5. Spirit filled boldness- Undeniable evidence in their witness

*A crisis or a trial reveals who a person is (I.E)- Peter was going to go back to fishing even after the resurrection… then he received the Spirit


When Difficulty Comes

James 1: 1-4

  1. Difficulties are coming

  2. These are trials or afflictions - not self made

  3. They are God allowed struggles upon you

A. They should make us spiritually stronger - works patience v. 3

B. They make us totally dependent. v 4

C. They makers complete. v 4

D. They make us satisfied. v 4

September Sermon Notes

22SEP042022 September Sermon Notes

Revelation 2:1-5

Can You Do it All and Still Not Have it All

"You have forsaken the love you had at first- consider how far you have fallen" V 4-5

1. Remember how far you have fallen

2. Repent-

3. React- do the things you did at first

4. Restore- will have eternal life V7



Psalm 150

Praise is our estimation of God

Paise is our encounter



How Long?

Psalm 13: 1 -5

  1. The Positive - DAVID

    a. confident that he could share his true thoughts with God

    b. confident that God was the only one who could help him

  2. The problem

    a. Exhausted (13-15 years in hiding)

    b. David asked God two foolish questions.

    How long are you going to forget me? Forever

    How long will you hide your face from me? Where are you?

c. David empowers the enemy V3


  1. The Prayer

    -God, I need a sign.

  2. - God, I want my sparkle back.

  3. - God, Don’t let me die spiritually.

  4. Ephesians 5:14 “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."

  5. - God, Don’t let my enemies rejoice over me. David is concerned about his witness/ testimony. v 4

August Sermon Notes


Colossians 3: 18-25

Does Your Close Relationships Reflect Christ

  1. Built from the top - Our submission to Christ, should reflect in our daily lives. V 18-19

  2. Children - obey your parents V 20-21

  3. All relationships should reflect Christ - have a sincere heart. V 22-23

  4. Measure your relationships based on how they reflect Christ V 23-25


Proverbs 14:4

A Life of Accomplishments Will Include a lot of Messiness

  1. Lazy people will not invest - no harvest

  2. Life includes messy

3. Forgiveness is messy


If the Shoe Fits, Wear It

Keep Moving Forward

4 Basic Commitments

  • Objective - keep moving people to a deeper commitment

A. Membership Commitment - to Christ and the church family, community Romans 12:4-5 (not the same function, but one in Christ- exhorting one another). Heb 10:25 do not forsake assembling together

  1. Encouraging community

  2. Connected community

  3. Contributing community

It was not a consumption community- those that just show up and do nothing


Keep Moving Forward (con’t)

B. Maturity Commitment- habits necessary for spiritual growth. 2 Peter 3:18- grow in grace and knowledge

I Timothy 4:7 - Exercise toward Godliness

C. Ministry Commitment I Peter 4:10

D. Missions Commitment- share the Good news with others

I Peter 3:15.

July Sermon Notes


No Biting Aloud

Galatians 5:15 , 1-26


  1. People don’t have hope. V 5

  2. You have allowed a diversion V 7-8. Who hindered you from obeying the truth ?

  • maybe we don’t love ourselves, and how can you love a neighbor if you don’t love yourself


1. Walk (companion or occupy) by the spirit V 16

2. Be led (follow) by the spirit not the flesh V 18-21

3. Live by the spirit (Fruits of the spirit) V 22

4. Keep in step with the spirit V 25


The Saddest Verse in the Bible

Matthew 13:53-58

  1. They mischaracterized Jesus- they should have known who he was

  2. They over characterized themselves - they thought they new it all and they were jealous

  3. The truth Jesus taught offended them

  4. Their unbelief deprived them of miracles


I Timothy 4: 1

Beware of Seducing Spirits

1. Seducing spirits takes what is not theirs to take


Beware of Seducing Spirits (con’t)

I Timothy 4: 1

3. They are crafty

4. They are fearless

Jude: 1:8 , 12

  • Appearance but Lack fruit

22Jul 31

Having a Christ Like Attitude

Philippians 2: 2-8

Are you jealous, quick to judge…

Jesus humbled himself as a servant, and was obedient to the cross

  1. See the need - we need to Look and Notice

  2. Feel the need

  3. Make the sacrifice daily

  4. Make a difference