October Sermon Notes


5). The Praise v 5, 6

- David remembers God’s unfailing love. His faith returns

- David remembers God’s Salvation. His joy returns

- David remembers God’s goodness - Praise


Hosea 4: 6

Unnecessary Destruction

  1. Rejection

  • Rejected God’s Wisdom

  • Rejected God’s will

  1. The Reproach V 10

  • Their Desire was were worldly

  • Their Direction was not God, but sorcery V 12

  • Their Discernment - not listening to Holy Spirit

    3. Repercussion V 6

  • Loss of Fellowship with God

  • Loss of family - forget children

  • Lost their blessing (lost their fortune)


John 15: 1-8

  1. The Person

    -I am V1

2. The Pruning V2- “does bear fruit”

3. The Purpose V2- Bear more fruit

A. The Partnership- Vs 4 Abide in Me and I in you - apart from mr you can do nothing.

B. The Praise V8- by this my Farther is glorified.

C. The Proof V8- and so prove to be my disciple

a. Divine change

b. Daily conviction

c. Devout commitment


Acts 4: 13

Undeniable Evidence

V 8 - spirit filled

  1. There was a spirit filled change in their attitude

  2. Spirit filled faithfulness

3. Spirit filled worship

4. Spirit filled expectation

5. Spirit filled boldness- Undeniable evidence in their witness

*A crisis or a trial reveals who a person is (I.E)- Peter was going to go back to fishing even after the resurrection… then he received the Spirit


When Difficulty Comes

James 1: 1-4

  1. Difficulties are coming

  2. These are trials or afflictions - not self made

  3. They are God allowed struggles upon you

A. They should make us spiritually stronger - works patience v. 3

B. They make us totally dependent. v 4

C. They makers complete. v 4

D. They make us satisfied. v 4