August Sermon Notes


Colossians 3: 18-25

Does Your Close Relationships Reflect Christ

  1. Built from the top - Our submission to Christ, should reflect in our daily lives. V 18-19

  2. Children - obey your parents V 20-21

  3. All relationships should reflect Christ - have a sincere heart. V 22-23

  4. Measure your relationships based on how they reflect Christ V 23-25


Proverbs 14:4

A Life of Accomplishments Will Include a lot of Messiness

  1. Lazy people will not invest - no harvest

  2. Life includes messy

3. Forgiveness is messy


If the Shoe Fits, Wear It

Keep Moving Forward

4 Basic Commitments

  • Objective - keep moving people to a deeper commitment

A. Membership Commitment - to Christ and the church family, community Romans 12:4-5 (not the same function, but one in Christ- exhorting one another). Heb 10:25 do not forsake assembling together

  1. Encouraging community

  2. Connected community

  3. Contributing community

It was not a consumption community- those that just show up and do nothing


Keep Moving Forward (con’t)

B. Maturity Commitment- habits necessary for spiritual growth. 2 Peter 3:18- grow in grace and knowledge

I Timothy 4:7 - Exercise toward Godliness

C. Ministry Commitment I Peter 4:10

D. Missions Commitment- share the Good news with others

I Peter 3:15.