The Heart of Giving

Giving is more than the concept of tithing. 

2 Corinthians 9:6-11

  1. When the heart is right the conscience is right. Remember with your mind.

  2. When the heart is right the calculation is right.

  3. When the heart is right the consecration ( A Holy thing.) is right.

  4. When the heart is right the cheerfulness is right. God loves a cheerful giver.

  1. God gives abundantly. God is able!

  2. God gives eagerly.

  3. God gives expectantly.

What does God expect?  Vs. 10-11

God gets glorified. 

The Benefits of A Gentle Answer

Proverbs 15:1

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

  1. A Gentle Answer Represents Godly Character.

  2. A Gentle Answer Replicates. Our children will replicate our gentleness.

  3. A Gentle answer Repels Ungodly Anger. It turns away anger.

  4. A Gentle Answer Replenishes The Spirit.

Vs. 4 “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue CRUSHES the spirit.”

A People Who Forgot

Isaiah 66:

  1. What a mistake. Vs. 1-2a

They forgot God is a God that can not be contained. They thought they could contain God in a building. Parochialism= extreme narrow-mindness. 

  1. What a missed opportunity. Vs. 2b

They forgot who God was looking for. God looked on the ones with favor who were humble and contrite in spirit(means you have been broken and you have a spirit of brokenness) and who tremble at His word. 

  1. What a Joke. Vs. 3

They forgot the importance of sincere genuine worship and service. 

  1. What a tragedy. Vs. 4

They forgot the severity of God’s judgement. 

2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of God roam over the earth looking over the earth for who I can use

Contentment-It’s not what we have, it is who we have.

Contentment- It’s not what we have it is who we have!

Hebrews 13:5

The Fallacy of Contentment. Material stuff brings contentment. Which is a lie.

A lot of times we cause our own discontentment.

People think if they just had a little more money.

People don’t enjoy what they have because they are thinking about the next thing they want.

We should be happy with what we have and take time to enjoy everything.

The Fact of Contentment. God brings us contentment.

Job says the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21. That is true contentment.

The Fruit of Contentment.

1. When I am content I can boldly say God is my helper. He helps us through His word. He helps us by giving us blessings. He helps us by pricking our heart when we do things we shouldn’t.

2. When I am content he takes away my fear.

You are God’s Answer

You are God’s Answer


Exodus 3:11-15 and 14:1-2 and 14:10-17

1. “I am a nobody”

God’s Answer: “I know, I will be with you.”

2. “I don’t know what to say.”

God’s answer: “I will tell you what to say.”

3. “What if they don’t believe me?”

God’s answer: “It’s not your job.”

4. “I am not good with words.”

God’s answer: “Who made you?”

5. “I am not willing.”

God’s answer: “Don’t anger me! I will help you.”