Why did the Ship go Down?

Acts 27:9-14

Why did the ship go down?

1. Because of Impatience.

2. Because of conflicting advice. They listened to the world instead of God.

3. Because of discomfort.

4. Because they were influenced by majority rule.

5. Because they misinterpreted favorable circumstance. The good wind blew from the south they thought they should go.

The Danger of Procrastination

The Danger of Procrastination

Acts 24:24-26

Study the life of Felix and Drusilla

When Paul was brought to Felix and Drusilla He told them of Jesus and he spoke to them about:

1. A Righteousness he did not possess. Do right

2. A Temperance he did not practice. Self control

3. A Judgment he could not prevent. Judgment that will come in the future.

Confronting our Doubt

Confronting our doubt

Matthew 11:1-3

1. Difficult situations will cause us to doubt.

2. We will have doubt when there is unmet expectations.

3. Doubt will enter your mind during limited perception. We don’t see what God sees

4. We have doubt during lonely isolations.

1. Don’t trade what you know, for what you don’t know. You know God loves you, you know God saved you, you know God

2. If you’re going to doubt something, doubt satan.

3. Renew your mind.

4. Run to Jesus.

What Fear Does to Us.

What Fear Does to Us.

Psalm 34:4

1. Fear Paralyzes Potential.

2. It Ruins Relationships.

3. It Hinders Happiness.

4. It Sabotages Success.

5. It Distorts Your Testimony.

One of a Kind

One of a Kind

Numbers 14:24

6 Characteristics of Caleb

1. Wholeheartedly means Caleb wasn’t worried about giants. Giants in our life are thing that we are going through like addiction, finances and hard things in life

2. Wholeheartedly means Caleb was saying, “Let’s go forward,” when everyone else was saying, “Let’s go back.”

3. Wholeheartedly means Caleb was relying on faith while everyone else was trembling in fear.

4. Wholeheartedly means Caleb was trying to encourage everyone while others discouraged everyone.

5. Wholeheartedly means Caleb was thinking of others while others were only thinking of themselves.

6. Wholeheartedly means Caleb was willing to stand alone for God.