“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

1. When you lose your hunger and thirst you are sick!

2. Hunger and Thirst are feelings that never go away.

3 things that should never go away.

A. Your passion for God.

B. Your Desire to be Free from Sin.

C. Your Ambition to be Made Like Unto Christ.

3. Hunger and Thirst Are Feelings That Bring Satisfaction Once Consumed. Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

How will God comfort me when I mourn over my brokenness?

Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted.”

3 Types of Mourning.

1. Natural Mourning. A mom dies, a son or daughter dies.

2. Sinful Mourning. 2 Corinthians 7:10 They mourn over quilt, getting caught or something that is not theirs.

3. Spiritual Mourning. We mourn over our brokenness from God. I am not where I need to be.

How will God comfort me when I mourn over my brokenness?

1. The Comfort of Reconciliation. He wants us to be where we are suppose to be. Close to Him and He will reconcile with us.

2. The Comfort of Mediation. 1 Timothy 2:5 The Devil accuses me of a lot of stuff and God is our mediator. Let God take care of it

3. The Comfort of Transformation. A new beginning. God does for us what we can not do for ourselves.

4. The Comfort of Association.

5. The Comfort of Affirmation. What God has told me in the daylight do not doubt in the darkness.

6. The Comfort of Pacification. The act of bringing peace to a place or ending war. God will bring peace.

7. The Comfort of Destination. Don’t worry about dying.

Living The Good Life

Matthew 5:1-12

1. An Emptiness for God. They are not poor of material things, they are poor in spirit. They might have been hungry for food but God wants them to be hungry for righteousness.

2. A Pursuit After God. Matthew 11:28-30

1. The Savior Issues An Invitation.

Vs 28 “Come to Me!”

2. The Savior States The Qualification.

Vs 28 “All of you that labor and are

heavy laden.”

3. The Savior Offers A Negotiation.

Vs 29 “ Take my yoke upon you” Vs. 30

“For my yoke is easy and my burden

is light.”

4. The Savior Promises Gratification.

Vs. 28 “ I will give you rest” Vs. 29 “You

will find rest for your soul”

5. The Savior Explains The Assimilation.

Vs 29 “Learn of me; I am meek and

lowly in heart.”

Truth and freedom

John 8:31-36

The truth hurts but it never hurts as bad as a lie.

1. The source of truth. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He will not lie to us.

2. The confrontation with the truth. Or the twisting of it. They twisted to truth.

3. The evidence of Truth. Stay in God’s word. And do what the Word says. Like win souls.

4. The revelation of truth.

5. The joy of revelation.

A Devoted Father in the Home

Acts 21:7-9

1. The Hospitality of Philip’s home. Philip was welcoming and he was accommodating.

A. There was a personal fellowship.

B. Powerful partnership. Philip opened up his home to another evangelist, Paul, to work together and help him.

C. The Practical Stewardship. Someone had to get the house ready and someone had to buy the food.

2. The Spirituality of Philip’s home.

A. There was living purity. The daughters were virgins that were unmarried. They had to have an example to live by.

B. There was living practice in the home. They practiced in the ministry of there father.

C. There was living power. The daughters prophesied. They were encouraging, quoting the Bible, praying, telling about what Jesus did for us.