Matthew 5:1-12
1. An Emptiness for God. They are not poor of material things, they are poor in spirit. They might have been hungry for food but God wants them to be hungry for righteousness.
2. A Pursuit After God. Matthew 11:28-30
1. The Savior Issues An Invitation.
Vs 28 “Come to Me!”
2. The Savior States The Qualification.
Vs 28 “All of you that labor and are
heavy laden.”
3. The Savior Offers A Negotiation.
Vs 29 “ Take my yoke upon you” Vs. 30
“For my yoke is easy and my burden
is light.”
4. The Savior Promises Gratification.
Vs. 28 “ I will give you rest” Vs. 29 “You
will find rest for your soul”
5. The Savior Explains The Assimilation.
Vs 29 “Learn of me; I am meek and
lowly in heart.”