Truth and freedom

John 8:31-36

The truth hurts but it never hurts as bad as a lie.

1. The source of truth. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He will not lie to us.

2. The confrontation with the truth. Or the twisting of it. They twisted to truth.

3. The evidence of Truth. Stay in God’s word. And do what the Word says. Like win souls.

4. The revelation of truth.

5. The joy of revelation.

A Devoted Father in the Home

Acts 21:7-9

1. The Hospitality of Philip’s home. Philip was welcoming and he was accommodating.

A. There was a personal fellowship.

B. Powerful partnership. Philip opened up his home to another evangelist, Paul, to work together and help him.

C. The Practical Stewardship. Someone had to get the house ready and someone had to buy the food.

2. The Spirituality of Philip’s home.

A. There was living purity. The daughters were virgins that were unmarried. They had to have an example to live by.

B. There was living practice in the home. They practiced in the ministry of there father.

C. There was living power. The daughters prophesied. They were encouraging, quoting the Bible, praying, telling about what Jesus did for us.

Dealing with the Thorns of Adversity

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 NIV

1. We learn from Paul, that no one is immune from adversity.

2. We learn from Paul, to never stop praying about our adversity.

3. We learn form Paul, that we are never alone in our adversity.

4. We learn from Paul, to face the fact that God may not remove the adversity.

5. We learn from Paul, that God’s power makes us stronger in the midst of our adversity.

6. We learn from Paul, that sometimes adversity is permitted by God.

5 Needs of Affection for Your Wife

Colossians 3:1-4 and 19

1. Affection Must Start With A Heavenly Focus.

2. She Needs The Affection of Spiritual Growth.

3. She Needs The Affection of Emotional Support. Words of praise, Loving touch, Genuine Focused attention

4. She Needs The Affection of Partnership.

5. She Needs The Affection of Appreciation.

Sermon from a dish soap bottle

1. The Aroma of Evangelism

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

2. The Aroma of Giving

Philippians 4:18

3. The Aroma of Love

Ephesians 5:2

4. The Aroma of Praise

Hebrews 13:15