Use What I Gave You

Exodus 4:7-8

1. You will miss God’s gift especially to you.

Don’t worry about the gifts you don’t


2. You will miss out on becoming what you were meant to be.

3. You will miss the fulfillment of serving alongside Jesus in His redemptive plan.

4. You will miss the joy of effectively ministering to others.

5. You will miss the rewards of a good and faithful servant.

The “Just Then” Factor

Ruth 2:4

1. Don’t give up on God. Don’t ever let yourself believe that God has given up on you. God is always there. He never leaves.

2. God’s plan is never too early or ever too late.

3. You may think God is rejecting when He is actually redirecting.

4. God has a bigger plan for me that I have for myself.

5. Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. (Said by Corey tenBoone?)

Treasures In The Darkness

Isaiah 45:2-3

1. God is already there. “I will go before you and will level the mountains”

2. God Has Treasures Hidden in The Darkness That No One Else Can See. “ I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.”

3. God Doesn’t Want Us to Forget Who He Is. “So that you may know that I am the Lord God of Israel.”

Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:10-15 NIV

1. The Kingdom of Heaven will only be known by those who have a desire to know it.

2. The more you learn of God’s Kingdom, the more God will teach you.

3. The more you turn away form God’s Kingdom, the more calloused your heart will become.

4. Living out the Kingdom is hearing, seeing, understanding, and doing.

5. The Kingdom of Heaven comes with a great promise.

There is 5 avenues of gaining knowledge

1. Academically

2. Occupationally

3. Trivial knowledge

4. Experiential knowledge

5. Transformational knowledge-this is what Jesus gives us when we are truly saved- God wants you to have this knowledge.

Ambassadors For Christ

2 Corinthians 5:20

1. An Effective Ambassador Should Be Knowledgeable of the bible.

2. An Effective Ambassador Should Be Loyal and Dependable.

3. An Effective Ambassador Should Have Only One Message.

4. An Effective Ambassador Should Be Attractive In Our Demeaner.

5. An Effective Ambassador Should Stay in Touch With the King.

6. An Effective Amvassador Should Have a Love for the Lost.