Do You Ever Feel Like the World Hates You?

Do You Ever Feel Like the World Hates You?
John 15:18-16:4

I. The World Doesn’t Like Us Because:
1. People Are Sinful.
2. People Feel Guilty.
3. People Are Unreasonable. 
4. People Don’t Like Christ. 
5. People Don’t Like Christians.
II. How Are We to Respond?
1. Take Every Opportunity to Tell the World About Our Savior.
2. Pursue Christ.
3. Anticipate Rejection.
4. Resist the Temptation to Give in or Compromise.

How Soon We Forget

How Soon We Forget
Numbers 14
1.   How Soon We Forget the Goodness and Tender Mercies of God.
2.  How Soon We Forget the Capability of God.
(A) They Magnified Potential Problems.
(B) They Minimized the Power and Promises of God.
3.  How Soon We Turn Away from God’s Guidance

(A)  They think they know more than God.
(B)  They take matters into their own hands.
(C)  They want a God they can manipulate.
4.  How Soon We Forfeit the Blessings of God in Our Lives.

Rise Above The Talk

Rise Above The Talk

John 9

Rise Above The Technique

Rise Above The Testing

Rise Above The Traditon

Rise Above The Threat

Just You And Jesus

Living The Anointed Life

Living The Anointed Life

1 John 2:26-27
1. The Prerequisite For God’s Anointing.
2. The Proclamation For God’s Anointing.
3. The Purpose For God’s Anointing.
(A) To Do Good Works.
(B) To Resist Evil.
(C) To Know The Truth.
(D) To Testify For Him.
(E) To Be Able To Pray.
(F) To Have Fellowship With God.
4. The Problem We Have Experiencing God’s Anointing.
5. The Path To Living In God’s Anointed Victory.

Days of our Lives-Part 3

I Kings 18-19

1. Adversity Will Always be
2. Part of the Christian Life
3. How You Feel Doesn’t Determine Who God Is

4. When You Run God Runs With You

5. Perform a Reality Check
6. Turn Your Focus Back To God

7. Make the Decision to Come Back to God