Luke 7:36-39

When Love Does, Love Does Big.”
                     Bob Goff
From his book LOVE DOES

1.    Big Love Is Audacious.
•    In vulnerable to fear or intimidation
•    Unrestrained by convention or propriety
•    Disposed to venture or take risk

2. Big Love Is Whimsical.

•    Determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

3. Big Love Is Strategic.

4.  Big Love Is Contagious.

Let's Devote ourselves to prayer

Acts 2:42

1. Who do they pray to?

A. To the God who is sovereign over everything.  (Control)  Acts 4:24

B. To the God who supplies everything we need. Acts 17:24-25

2. Why did they pray?

A. They were utterly dependent on God's power. Acts 4:33 and John 15:5

B. They were utterly desperate for God's grace.

C. They were utterly devoted to God's mission.

Days of Our Lives-Part 2

Genesis 37-50

1. God Knows Where You Are

2. God Allows You to be Where You Are

3. Don’t Keep Score

4. Stay Faithful to God

5. Stuck Is Not a Permanent Life Position 

6. God’s Plan For You Is Part of a Bigger Picture



Days of our Lives

Don’t Worry About Others

Commit Your Whole Self To God

Understand It All Matters

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Don’t Abandon What Got You Where You Are

Remember: Pride Goeth Before a Fall






Savior or Circumstance?

Savior or Circumstance?

Acts 16:16-40

1.  We must live in His name. vs. 18

2. We must see our circumstances as opportunities. vs. 23-25

3. Full circle. vs. 33-34

Close with the Cross.  Matthew 26:39