Resolution of.....


RESOLUTION A thing determined upon, decision of future action.  

2 Corinthians 5:16-20


2) RENEWAL  vs.17-18


4) RIGHT NOW  2 Corinthians 6:2

Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”— 


Have You Unwrapped the Gift?

Have You Unwrapped the Gift?

Matthew 1:23 (NLT)

1. Unwrapping the Gift Will Give Us Comfort  
    -God Is with Us.

Luke 2:17-20 (NLT)

2. Unwrapping the Gift Will Cause You to Speak. vs. 17

3. Unwrapping the Gift Will Give You Joy. vs. 20



How Big Is Your Appetite?

How Big Is Your Appetite?

Matthew 5

1. The Face of Righteousness.

   A. Righteousness is a lifestyle that distinguishes us as true Christians and invites opposition from the world.

   B. Righteousness starts in the heart and changes a person from the inside out.

   C. Righteousness doesn't need to be seen by others, but only by God.

   D. Righteousness causes us to seek God's approval above everything else.

2. The Hunger For Righteousness.

   A. You have to want it.

   B. Take action.

   C. Keep coming back for more.

   D. Eat the whole thing.

3. The Satisfaction of Righteousness.

   A. You will be filled with righteousness.

   B.  You will be filled with Jesus himself.







Always Competent

Always Competent
John 4
Carlton Cleveland
Jesus Disturbing the Status Quo 

1.    Jesus was deliberate with His approach. Vs. 4 (Had to go to Samaria) 
2.    It really is true. (Red, yellow, black or white, we are all precious in His sight.) She had an appointment with Jesus and didn't even know it. Vs. 7-8
3.    You won't offend Jesus or run Him off with your questions. Vs. 11-14
4.    Jesus spoke the truth in LOVE. vs. 15
5.    Jesus went there to offer her another alternative. Vs. 21...

Why Suffering?

Why Suffering?

Luke 17:11-19

Closer to Jesus

God’s Grace

Deeper Sense
Of Gratitude