Pleasing People Is Impossible

Galatians 1:10-12 

  1. 1.The disease to please: symptoms of approval addiction:  

    1. 1.I take criticism personally.  

    2. 2.I have a fear of rejection.  

    3. 3.I have a hard time saying no.  

  2. 2.Who's slave are you? Seek God's approval instead of people's applause.  

    1. 1.Serve God without any desire for recognition.  

    2. 2.Live as if the only opinion that matters is God's.  


Acts 3:19 

  1. 1.Repentance is the first step 

  2. 2.Repentance requires change 

    1. 1.Repentance literally means "rethinking". Repentance involves the whole being. Mind, Emotions, and Will 

    2. 2.In order for there to be sin, there has to be deception. All sin has in it a wrong THINKING. 

    3. 3.When I have repented, two things immediately happen.  

      1. 1.Confession- 1 John 1:9 

      2. 2.I'll make Restitution- Zacchaeus is an example 

  3. 3.Repentance is not easy. 

    1. 1.2 Corinthians 7:9-10 

    2. 2.Worldly sorrow produces two things.  

      1. 1.Regret 

      2. 2.Death 

  4. 4.Repentance can be impossible 

    1. 1.Genesis 6:3 

    2. 2.Repentance becomes impossible when we know the truth and we repeatedly sin against it over an extended period if time.  

Tom, Dick & Harry: The Managers of God

Matthew 25: 13-30 

"Just a little potential can be transformed into a huge possibility" 

1.I own nothing; I manage resources for God.  

2.I will face a divine audit.  

3.My view of God determines how I manage his resources. 

4.Good management is rewarded with the Master's praise.  

V 15:  

went out immediately and went to work! 

"go quickly dig up the resources you've buried" 

The Power From Heaven: Walking In The Spirit

Galatians 5:16-17 

Walking in the Spirit is living in the conscious presence of the lord Jesus Christ, letting his mind, through the word, dominate everything that is thought and done. Being filled with the Spirit is the same as walking like Jesus did on earth.  

But Fullness presupposes something.  



1.Stop the pattern today  

1.1 Peter 2:11 

2.Starve the flesh  

1.Romans 13:14 

3.Stare at the goal 

1.Hebrews 12:1-2 

4.Soak up the word 

1.Psalm 119:9-11 

5.Stay in touch with God 

1.Luke 5:16 

6.Seek the fullness of the Spirit everyday 

1.Galatians 5:16 

When The Brook Dries Up

1 King 17:1-9 

1.God's Promise of Provision 


2.Obedience brings blessing 

3.obedience brings provision 

2.God's provision at the brook  


2.God's children are not immune from the circumstances created by living in a fallen world.  

3.Don't mistake the presence of a trial with the absence of God.  

3.lessons from the brook 

1.Stick with God 

2.God knows what lies ahead 

3.God works in mysterious ways 

4.Listen for God's voice 

5.Your next blessing is prepared in another place 

6.Don't worry about the dried up brook.