The Power From Heaven: Walking In The Spirit

Galatians 5:16-17 

Walking in the Spirit is living in the conscious presence of the lord Jesus Christ, letting his mind, through the word, dominate everything that is thought and done. Being filled with the Spirit is the same as walking like Jesus did on earth.  

But Fullness presupposes something.  



1.Stop the pattern today  

1.1 Peter 2:11 

2.Starve the flesh  

1.Romans 13:14 

3.Stare at the goal 

1.Hebrews 12:1-2 

4.Soak up the word 

1.Psalm 119:9-11 

5.Stay in touch with God 

1.Luke 5:16 

6.Seek the fullness of the Spirit everyday 

1.Galatians 5:16