Evangelism-Just Tell Someone About Jesus

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

2 Corinthians 5:20

Why we don’t tell people about Jesus

  1. It is politically incorrect to do so.

Christianity is unquestionably exclusive. That is, there is no room for other gods or other pathways to God. If you are a Christian, you take Jesus at His Word. In John 14 He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one come to the Father except through Me.”

2. The philosophy of the day, which of course is postmodernism.

Postmodernism as a philosophy seems to permeate everything we hear these days.  Postmodernism says that there is no absolute truth.  Postmodernists would say, there is no one truth which is applicable at all places for all people at all times.  While many Christians have unconsciously succumbed to this way of thinking, many others are not really equipped to answer the questions or to respond to the objections that postmodernists have.  

3. Fear

Christians fear being ostracized by their lost friends.  They are afraid of what it will cost them to be identified with Him so they are secret agents in God’s service.  Others fail to share the good news of Jesus because they have, somehow, through scriptural gymnastics, convinced themselves that it is not their responsibility.  Some fail to share the gospel because they have nothing more than a head knowledge of Jesus, they have never truly been transformed by His power and have never experienced the new birth.  It is easy to see why they don’t share their faith.  They have nothing to share. You can’t relay an experience you’ve never experienced. Others don’t share because sin in their lives has sidelined them.