Philippians 3:17-21
These are not misguided people or misunderstood people
1. The Characteristics of the enemies.
A. They have an ungodly appetite. They crave the stuff of the world.
B. They have no shame. Things that they should be embarrassed from they applaud it.
C. They ar e worldly in their desires.
D. They have no future.
2. The Confrontation with the Enemies.
Ephesians 5:11-19
A. Have no Fellowship. Have no fellowship with satanic things or people. No gossiping. No fellowship with the works of darkness.
B. Expose them.
C. Wake up.
3. The Contemplaton...Am I an enemy of the cross? Anything that we do in opposition of Jesus we become the enemy of the cross. We have to do what the Bible says.
Look up: The age of reasoning