2 Corinthians 11
1.Blind Us With Satanic Doubt Concerning The Nature of God. James 1:16-17
2. Blind Us With Satanic Fighting With God Instead Fellowship With God. 1 John 1: 5-6
3. Blind Us With Satanic Hate Instead of Godly Love. 1 John 2: 9-11
4. Blind Us With Satanic Complaining Instead of Joyful Praise. 1 Peter 2:9
5. Blind Us With Satanic Indifference Concerning Souls. John 12: 46.
6. Blind Us With Satanic Lies Instead of God’s Truth. 2 Corinthians 4:6
7. We Must Become Devout Students of God’s Word. Psalm 119: 105 and 130