Nehemiah 4:14
I. Fight to Get Them to Heaven.
(A) Dad, you have to know that you are going there yourself.
(B) Dad, lead a life that is worth imitating.
(C) Dad, the road to Heaven doesn’t have to be boring.
II. This Fight is Bigger Than Any Physical Fight.
(1) Fight by remaining Steadfast in the Word of God.
“To hit the devil in the face with a force he cannot resist. What are you hitting him with? He’s a million times stronger than you and he hates you and your family. How anybody walks through this devil ruled world without a sword in his hand is beyond me.” John Piper
(A) Did you know the word of God is a tool of Protection?
(B) Did you know the word of God is a Detector?
(C) Did you know the word of God is a Strengthener?
(2) Fight by walking in Faith.
(3) Fight by persevering in Prayer.
(4) Fight by Patiently Loving them.