How Close Can You Get and Still Not Be There?
Hebrews 6:4-6
The Resemblance of The Christian Experience.
(A) They Had an Illumination.
Vs. 4 “Once Enlightened”
(B) They Had an Appreciation.
Vs. 4 “Tasted the Heavenly Gift”
(C) They Had a Participation.
Vs. 4 “Partakers of The Holy Spirit”
(D) They Had an Anticipation.
Vs. 5 “Tasted the Good Word of God…And the Powers of The Age to Come”
2. The Rejection of The Christian Experience.
The Relapse. Vs. 6 “If They Fall Away”
(B) The Reality. Vs. 6 “To Renew Them Again to Repentance”
(C) The Reason. Vs. 6 “Since They Crucify Again for Themselves the Son of God, and Put Him to an Open Shame”