2024 September Sermon Notes


Six Steps to a Better You

James 4:6-10

If we focus on ourselves, our approach is better and becomes more manageable.

    1. Take.a knee V6-7 God apposed the proud, God gives grace to the humble, therefore submit yourself to God in faith

    2.   Fight back! Resist the devil and he will flee. V7

    3.   Draw near to God V8 He will show up in your life

    4.   Clean up V8-  raise clean hands in worship

    5.   Get serious V9 be committed

    6.   Stay low. V10  humble yourself before God and He will lift you up

He’s Still Working on Me
Phil 3:12-16
The enemy will tell you- you are not good enough
1.  We are a work in progress V 12 
2.  Progress requires action V 13 (forget the past and reach forward)
3.  Progress needs a goal V 14. Our action becomes more clear when the goal is clear
4.  Spiritual progress must be a great priority V 15 God will reveal things to us
5.  Progress doesn’t stop- V 16 Hold true to what you have obtained!

Come Before Winter
2 Tim 4:9-21
(Paul’s last days)
  1.  The value of friends V 10
2. The pain of loneliness V 11
3. The importance of God’s word V 13
4. The enemy V14
5. Being deserted by those you count on the most V16
6. The faithfulness V 17
7. The urgency of the moment V 21 (we are not promised tomorrow)
A. Make peace with God
B. Make peace with others
C. Invest in your family

Lamentations 3:21-25
God is Faithful
1. Unceasing loving kindness V 22
2. Mercies are new every day V 22-23
3. Unlimited supply. V 24 (He is my portion)
4. Unwavering promise- wait and seek

2024 August Sermon Notes


The early church

  1. They lived differently

  2. They worked differently

  3. They loved differently

  4. They prioritized the church
    A. Protect the unity of my Church
         a. act in love (radically) Christ like
         b. refuse gossip
         c. respect our leaders
    B.  If you have a concern, see a leader
    C.  I will share the responsibility of the church
    D.  Fellowship
    E.  Serve in the ministry of my church
    F. Support the testimony of my church
        a. Attending

    The Million Dollar Dream
    1 Corinthians 3: 10-15
    You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic.
    What you do for God will carry in to eternity. They will be tested by fire.
    1.  An undeserved gift of grace - V10
    2.  Unaware participants - V10 (participants should build with care)
    3.  An undisputed foundation - V 11 (Jesus Christ)
    4.  Unequal Material - V 12 (give Him your best)
    5.  The inescapable fire - V 13

    Four Ways to Make Sure You Don Appear Before God Empty Handed
    Exodus 34:19-20
    1.  Offer our praise of thanksgiving- Psalm 50:25; Heb 13:15 - acknowledge His name
    2.  Offer your willingness of generosity - Heb 13:16
    3.  Offer your response to obedience - I Sam 15:22; Isaiah 1:17
    4.  Offer your humble repentance - Isaiah 1: 11-16
    * v 19..  we are the donkey- the Lamb is Jesus laying down His life for us (prophetic theme throughout the Old Testament into the Nw Testament
    The first born is symbolic of the family as a whole - teach your family about redemption through Jesus Christ

    How Close Can you Get and Still Not Be There
    Hebrews 6:4-6
    1.  The resemblance of the Christian experience
          a. Illumination - V4 -enlightened, to the things of God
          b. Appreciation- V4-tasted the Word of God
          c. Participation-V4- shared in the Holy Spirit (they were caught up with what the spirt was doing)
          d. Anticipation-V4-they were aware of what is to come
    2. The rejection of the Christian experience V 5
         a. Relapse - they reject the Christian experience
         b. Reality- they fall away
         c. Reason- they think they can be saved another way

2024 July Sermon Notes


The Influencer 

Acts 17: 1-6

“They turned the world upside down” (V6) 

  1. Experienced a real life transformation

  2. Driven by an Inner power

  3. Biblical world view- they loved people

  4. Willing to take a risk/sacrifice

  5. Can’t be stopped

Why Out Ships Sink

Acts 27:9-14

  1. Impatience V 9

  2. Conflicting advice V 10

  3. Discomfort V 12

  4. Listened to the majority V 12 (the majority is not always right

  5. Misinterpreted a favorable situation v 13


Why Our Ships Sink (con’t) V 20 - 

Don’t doubt God in the darkness what He told you in the light.

Five Principles to survive the storm:

  1. He recognized God’s ownership V 23

  2. He was trusting in God’s will V 24

  3. He was a man of prayer V 23

  4. He was aware of divine presence


God Wants Us to Guide Me

Psalms 32: 3-8-10

  1. We must have extreme focus - (Luke 11:34) Your eye is the lamp of  your body.  When the eye is single, it enlightens the whole body, when the eyes are not single, it will lead you to darkness. (You can’t have one foot in the world and keep your focus.)

  2. We must surrender our will - John 5:30  

  3. We must renew our mind - Romans 12:2 (Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…)

  4. We must pray for divine guidance in all things- Psalm 25:4

  5. We must wait on God’s plan to unfold -Psalms 106:13

2024 June Sermon Notes

2024 June Sermon Notes


If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat

Matthew  14:22-32

  1. The solitude of the Savior V 23

  2. The significance of the storm V 24-25

  3.  The security of the ship V25 (He comes to the ship)
        Fear is a natural response to a storm - but it is how we respond

  4.  The struggle of the servant V 26-28
         The boldness of Peter’s faith V 28-29

  5.  The sovereignty of the Savior V 31-33


The Mind of Christ- Six Characteristics

Philip 2:5. (Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus our Lord)

Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that is good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. 

  1. Alive… The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6)

  2. Single-minded...(I am afraid lest your mind should be led astray from the simplicity and putrid of devotion to Christ) 2 Cor 11:3

  3. Lowly… (In lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves) Phil 2:3

  4. Pure… (Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto to them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.) Titus 1:15 

  5. Responsive… (He opened their minds to understand the scripture) Luke 24:45

  6. Peaceful… (The sins set on the spirit is life and peace) Rom 8:6


John 21:20

Following Jesus…

  1. Is a personal choice (take up your cross and follow Him)

       A. A desire to follow- 

       B. A deny yourself

       C. Take of your cross daily

       D. Devotion23

Following Jesus, (Con’t) Luke 9

 2.  May have painful consequences
       A. The opportunist
       B. The hesitater- are you willing to follow Jesus no matter what you have to leave behind.

       C.  The procrastinator- never gets it done 

Leave it All Behind and Follow Jesus with All We Have?

I Peter 4: 1-6

  1. We have a reason to follow Jesus V1  (He suffered/died for us)

  2. We must be ready (Arm our minds, our hearts) We have the Father on our side
    Ready for ourselves and ready for others

  3. We must recall- V3  (remember where we were and what we have done)

  4. There will be a reaction V4 (they are surprised in you after the change if your life)

  5. There is a reality that is coming (we will all answer how we followed Jesus)

  6. There is a revelation V6 (live in the spirit)

2024 April Sermon Notes


The Danger of Complaining

Psalm 77: 1-3

  1. The physical danger
      a. Damages the brain-  causes anxiety which releases cortisol which kills brain cells
      b. shorten’s your life span
      c. dangerous habit - cortisol then triggers your brain to complain

  2. The spiritual danger
      a. creates irrational thoughts about God
      b. refuses to accept divine help (soul refused to be comforted)
      c. Complaining will overwhelm you, not empower you

  3. The Solution
     a. I will remember V 11- the good works of God
     b. I will pray- V 12
     c. I will go to church - V 13
     d. You are a miracle working God


I Ain’t No Cheapskate When it’s for God 

2nd Samuel 24:8-25

  1. Personal issue-

  2. Convicting issue- 

  3. Joyous issue- fellowship 

  4. Focused issue- about God 

  5. Costly issue- 

Baptism Service - no sermon notes


What Are You Excited About

Isaiah 61:1-3

  1. Bring good news to those in need V1

  2. He came to comfort the broken hearted V1

  3. He came to set us free V1

  4. He came to give us favor  V2

  5. He has given us strength V3

Luke 4:20