2023 December Sermon Notes

2023 December Sermon Notes


Getting out of the Rat Race

Matthew 6:25-33 That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? [26] Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? [27] Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? [28] "And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, [29] yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. [30] And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? [31] "So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' [32] These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. [33] Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.


Getting Out of the Rat Race  (con’t)

1). Analyze the Cause of Worry

     a. Natural cause - v 25

         40% worry over things that will never


         30% - about the past

         12% - criticism from others (may or 

                    may not be true)

          10% - about their health

            8% - about real problems 

           Worry over future


Clay Kids Musical- A Rockin Royal Christmas 


 More than a Title

Luke 6:8-11

Mark 2: 1-6

Many people claim Jesus as Savior, but not as Lord! 

Luke 2:25-29

Luke 6: 46

To call him Lord makes Him a title, to make Him Lord promotes Him to ruler of your life. 


All We Need

Galatians 1:1-9

  1. God is all we need

  2. God is enough

2023 November Sermon Notes


2 Cor 2:1-5

Focus on Jesus

  1. Declare Jesus simply

  2. Decide to make our focus on Jesus v 2

  3. Our demonstrations must be about Jesus

            With humility.)v 3-4

            With the power of the Spirit v 4


True Wisdom  2 Cor 2: 6-15

  1. Wisdom is not of this world- it is from God and we need to share it V 6-10

  2. Through His spirit we will know God V 11-13

    The spirit is the divine depth of God and we need to rely on God to understand and proclaim

  3. Two types of people  V 14-16

    A. People without Christ can’t understand

    B. Those who know Christ can evaluate spiritual through seeking Him.



Psalms 119:72

Psalms 119: 9-16

  1. Live according to Your word. V 11

    A.  Authoritative (direct from God)

    B. Comprehensive (covers how we live)

            C.  Aggressive (let the word of God spring up)

            D.  Preventative (that I may not sin)

            E.  Persuasive (points us to God and helps us maintain our relationship

            F.  Redemptive


John 6: 66-69

Disciple or Deserter

Why do people desert Christ?

1. There are those that come to Jesus as the experiment. (sign seekers) V 2 

2. There are those that come to Jesus because of the enjoyment. V 26

3. There are those that come to Jesus with a false expectation. V 14, 15, 60

Why we should come to Jesus?
4.  There are those who come to Jesus because He is essential. V 68-69

2023 October Sermon Notes


Haggai 1:1-15

Get Back to Work (con’t from September)


They had no remorse for not rebuilding the temple. We need to have remorse that we are not doing as we should.. serving, witnessing…

          1-C. They lost their blessing  V5

  1. The Plea Bargain-

    A. Return to the Lord with your whole heart.  V14-15

    B. Return with the right motive - righteous spirit

    C. Return in total obedience

    D.  Return with righteous fear

  2. The verdict.

    A. I am with you! V 13

    B. You will have joy and zeal. V 14

    C. Blessings will return

    D. I will smack you


The Only Authority

2 Timothy 3: 14-16

  1. All scripture is God breathed (God’s word is inspired) V 16

  2. The scripture will equip you

The Perfection of Deception
I Corinthians 5:1-13

      1). The Evil Participation v 1-2
     “You are so proud of yourselves”

     2). The Godly Expectation v 2
     “You should be mourning in sorrow and shame”

     3). The Spiritual Separation v 2
      "You should remove this man from your fellowship”

     4). The Divine Examination v 5
     “His sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved”

5). The Divine Explanation v 6
“…Like a little yeast spreads through the whole batch of dough…Get rid of it!”


The Open Door

1 Corinthians 16:5-9

"Because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me."

     1.  A door of opportunity

          a. Magnitude - it is a great door - don't be afraid of a door God opens

          b. Ministry - effectual work will be open

          c. Miracle - 

     2.  A door of obligation - to reach the lost

     3. The door of opposition- many who oppose


It Takes More that Mere Curiosity

Matthew 11:28-30 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."

1). “Come to Me”FULLY”

a. Fully acknowledging

b. Fully surrendering

c. Fully trusting

2023 September Sermon Notes


The obsession for the Rescuer

Psalm 63: 1-11

We want the rescue, but we don’t want to know the rescuer.

  1. Knowing the rescuer requires a personal relationship -  David has a personal relationship with God

  2. Knowing the rescuer requires a progressive relationship- David wanted more

  3. Knowing the rescuer requires a persistent relationship V4- daily communication and commitment


Testing the Spirits

I John 4: 1-

Talking to Christians

  1. We must investigate V 1 (We should be specialist in the Word of God)

  2. We must believe V 2-3 (Incarnation)

  3. We must recognize V 4 (False prophets and God’s source and strength)

  4. We must listen V 6


Hagai 1:1-15

Israelites have returned from Babylonian captivity to Jersusalem

Get Back to Work (Rebuild the temple)

  1. Indictment - accusation of a serious crime V 1 They forget God

Hagai 1: 1-15

Get Back to Work (Con't) {People are standing on the sidelines and not participating}

      1-A. They lost their urgency (have churches lost their urgency?) We embrace Him on Sunday, but we need to embrace the love of God every day, every moment, so He is tangible to us!

2023 August Sermon Notes


Genesis 41: 46-52

Blessed in the Land of Affliction

Principles of Joseph - You won’t have an Ephraim moment until you have a Manasseh moment

  1. Forgiveness

  2. Forgetting

  3. Forbearance- patience/self-control

  4. Faithfulness


On a Mission Together - Keep the Vision

Phillipians 1: 1-6

  1. Believers have a common identity as members of Christ’s body.  V 5

  2. Believers have a common task as members of Christ’s body- what is my task V 4

  3. Believers have a common purpose in great commission

  4. Believers have a common hope in our past, present and future  V 6

        A. It is a work of God

        B. It is a lifetime process

        C. It is never completed in this life



The Greatest Need in the Church Today

Acts 2

  1. Expectancy  V 1

  2. Excitement  V 2

  3. Enablement V 4 (by surrender)

  4. Evidence V 40



Luke 14:25-35

  1. The cost of following Jesus V 27

  2. Consider what’s at hand - the cost V 28

  3. Willing V 34