1 Corinthians 3:1-4
Maturity has nothing to do with age, or belief, or worship, or being in church.
So many Christians are frozen in spiritual immaturity. They are easily offended, often distracted and without prayer or spiritual discipline. We think God is requiring of us simply to hang on, yet the Lord is looking for mature Christlikeness to emerge within us. He feeds us with his Spirit and word that we might have every resource with need to obtain His very life and character. He baptizes us in fire that He might create proven character within us. He is relentless with His goal, expecting we should be also. Francis Frangipane
1. Immature Christians lack Productivity.
The church is not the preacher or the staff and a mature Christian gets that.
Immature Christians don’t tithe, pray,remember bible verses
2. Immature Christians lack Purpose.
Immature Christians don’t believe in the church. They don’t see the purpose of the church. Which is soul winning, love, forgiveness.
3. Immature Christians lack Peace.
Immature Christians are jealous, have worry, have no hope,have strife, and have division.
4. Immature Christians lack Proof.
There is not proof that you are a Christian. You look like any other worldly person.