Marks of An Immature Christian

1 Corinthians 3:1-4

Maturity has nothing to do with age, or belief, or worship, or being in church.

So many Christians are frozen in spiritual immaturity. They are easily offended, often distracted and without prayer or spiritual discipline. We think God is requiring of us simply to hang on, yet the Lord is looking for mature Christlikeness to emerge within us. He feeds us with his Spirit and word that we might have every resource with need to obtain His very life and character. He baptizes us in fire that He might create proven character within us. He is relentless with His goal, expecting we should be also. Francis Frangipane

1. Immature Christians lack Productivity.

The church is not the preacher or the staff and a mature Christian gets that.

Immature Christians don’t tithe, pray,remember bible verses

2. Immature Christians lack Purpose.

Immature Christians don’t believe in the church. They don’t see the purpose of the church. Which is soul winning, love, forgiveness.

3. Immature Christians lack Peace.

Immature Christians are jealous, have worry, have no hope,have strife, and have division.

4. Immature Christians lack Proof.

There is not proof that you are a Christian. You look like any other worldly person.

Take My Yoke-The Great Invitation

Matthew 11:28-30

1. The Request. “Come to me” Have you responded to the request from God? And are you living like it?

2. The Requirements. “All you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens” Jesus doesn’t want us to worry. There is no requirement. He wants us to come just like we are.

3. The Relinquishing. “Take my yoke upon you” The yoke is around the cows neck for control. We have to relinquish control to God.

4. The Reliance. “Learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart” We are to learn from Jesus and be gentle and humble

5. The Relief. “And you will find rest for your souls”

Work on What God has Given you.

Romans 5:1-5

We have...

1. Peace with God because of Jesus Christ.

Is God at peace with us?

2. Access to God by faith. Some times we may have a feeling that God doesn’t love us or that we are not saved. But through Faith we know He does and we know we are.

3. Hope that we can boast in. This hope will not lead to disappointment.

4. A master plan where we have tribulations(suffering) which gives us endurance which gives us character that strengthens our confident hope.

5. Confidence that I can live with. It doesn’t put me to shame.

Midnight Theology

The midnight hour can be a crisis.

We don’t know what we believe until the midnight hour when there is a crisis.

The devil comes at the midnight hour.

The devil will make us question God in the midnight hour.

What we believe about God!

Acts 16:25

What do others see when we are going through a crisis!

2 Timothy 4:6-8

1. I gave my all.

2. I kept the faith.

3. Anticipate Heaven. The same thing awaits us all if we live it.

Trust and obedience will tear down walls

Joshua 6:1-7,10

1. We need to realize God has already declared the victory (vs.2) No matter how big our problem is in our eyes, to God it is small!

2. We need to realize we are hopeless without God (vs. 4,5)

They could not have taken the wall down

with a horn if God wasn't involved!

3. We need to show up and face our walls with courage (vs.3).

4. We need to be quiet and let God reap the victory (vs.10)

Be quiet and focus on God.