Discovering Your Divine Destiny Part 4 and 5

1. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Salvation.

2. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Scripture.

3. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Prayer.

Biblical Conditions to Answered Prayer.

1. We Must Pray Persistently.

2.  We Must Pray According to The Will of God.

1 John 5:14-15

How Do You Pray The Will of God?

1. Begin by Praying for Wisdom.

James 1:5

2. Pray The Bible.

Pray for your Enemies---Mt.5:44

Discovering Your Divine Destiny Part 3

1. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Salvation.

2. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Scripture.

3. Discovering Your Divine Destiny Through Prayer.

Psalm 116:1 I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
    he heard my cry for mercy.
2 Because
He turned his ear to me,
    I will call on him as long as I live.

Prayer is not sending God on your errands.

Prayer is not getting God prepared to do your will, prayer is getting you prepared to do God’s will.

Prayer does not need proof, prayer needs practice.

Did You Know?

1. It’s A Sin Not to Pray For One Another.

1 Samuel 12:23

2. Jesus Thought We Would Pray!

Matthew 6:5 “When you Pray

1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray Continually

3. Prayer is What Invokes The Power of God to Move.

James 5:16

Discovering Your Divine Destiny Part 2

3.You Have a Knowledge Base That God Can Tap At Any Hour of The Day or Night.

4. You Begin to See The Big Picture of What God Desires for His People to Be, Say, and Do.

5. You Experience an Ongoing Renewal of The Mind.

Romans 12:2

4 Words to Get/Hold onto God’s Word.

  1. Intentional

  2. Comprehension

  3. Develop a RETENTION process.

  4. Apply it.

Discovering Your Divine Destiny Part 1

Ecclesiastes 3:9-14

I. Your Destiny Is To Accept Jesus Christ as Savior. 2 Peter 3:9

II. Your Destiny Is To Know God’s Word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Ephesians 4:14

What Are Some Advantages of knowing God’s Word?

1.You Know What God Expects.

2.You Are Available to God So That He Can Speak to You.


Daniel 3

Philippians 4:8

1. A perspective with a relationship will make decisions that are best for the relationship.

2. Perspective with a relationship needs no explanation, just obedience.

3. Perspective with a relationship has the power to change other perspectives.