Unclean Spirits and Their Prey

LUKE 11:24-26

1. The Feasible Attitude of The Unclean Spirit.

2. The Fatal Attempt of Self-Reformation.

3. The Frightful Affliction of The Unclean Spirits.

4. The Father’s Abrupt Warning.

5. The Father’s Advice on Conquering The Unclean Spirit.

Have the Demons Heard of You?

Have The Demons Heard of You?

Acts 19

I. Satanic Forces Operate Upon This Principle: “We go as far as we are permitted to go.”

II. The More Spiritual and Victorious The Believer, The More Vicious Are The Demons Assaults.

Vs. 11 Vs. And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul…

III. Demons Do Some of Their Best Work At Church.

Vs. 9. But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation…

IV. Demons Are Experts At Seeing Through Our Pretense.

Vs.15. But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?”

V. We Must Destroy Everything That Opposes Itself Against God.

Vs. 19. Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. 19 And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.

What Demons Can Do To Saints Part 2

What Demons Can Do To Saints

I. Do Not Surrender Your Established Position.

Ephesians 4:27

“Do not give place to the devil.”


9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”

1. Satan never gives up.

“Contend” “Disputing”

1.Satan will contend with you over truth.

2.Satan will contend with you over temptation.

3.Satan will contend with you over salvation.

4. Satan will contend with you over God’s forgiveness.

5. Satan will contend with you about himself.

II. Satan always has a strategy for your destruction.

III. Satan is not afraid of you, But he trembles at the ONE who is inside of you.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1. Confession and Repentance of Sin.

2. Continual Praise and Worship.

3. Shock it to him with God’s Word.

4. Talk to God about it through Prayer.

5. Remind him you are a child of the KING!

What Demons Can Do To Saints

What Demons Can Do To Saints   

Ephesians 4:27
“Do not give place to the devil.”
1. Do Not Surrender Your Established Position.
1. I will make things right tomorrow.
2. It’s not that big a deal.
3. I know I’m Backslidden. 
4. I’m not sure I trust God anymore.
5. Refusing to let go of old hurts and wounds.
6. Refusing to forgive others.
7. It’s my business.
8. Church is so boring.

What does your X-Ray Expose?

What does your X-Ray Expose ?

Ephesians 5:1-20 (ESV)
1. If we are going to Imitate God, we must walk in Obedience. 
2. If we are going to Imitate God, we must be Wise.
3. If we are going to Imitate God, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit.