The Divine Maintenance Plan

James 4:7-10
1. Walk In Obedience With God.
“Submit to God” vs.7
2. Run As Fast And As Far As You Can From Satan. 
“Resist the devil and he will Flee” vs.7
3. Run As Fast And As Furious As You Can After God.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” vs. 8
4. Be Honest With God About Your Sin And Ask For His Forgiveness.
“Cleanse, Purify” vs. 8
5. Don’t Be Afraid of Brokenness.
“Lament, Mourn, Gloom” vs. 9
6. Humble Yourself So God Doesn’t Have To.
“Humble yourself” vs. 10

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

1. I Was Born of A Woman!
Job 14:1 

2. I Live In A Fallen World.
Romans 8:18-20 

3. I Live In A World of Free Will.
Genesis 2:16-17 

4. I Accept The Sovereignty of God.  
Romans 8:28 

5. Sometimes, I Just Can’t Explain God.
Isaiah 55:8 

6. This World Is Not My Permanent Home. 
1 Peter 2:11-12 

Restoring God's Broken People

Galatians 6:1-2
1. Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 
2. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

 Why should we practice restoring God’s broken people?

1. We Do It Because They Have Been Overtaken.
        “If any man is Overtaken in Any trespass”
2. We Do It Because The Overtaken Doesn’t Have Anyone Else.
       "You who are Spiritual Restore Such a one”
         Gently… “In a spirit of gentleness”
         Humbly… “Considering yourself lest you also be tempted”
         Sympathetically… “Bear one another’s burdens”
3. We Do It To Fulfill The Law of Christ.
          Galatians 5:1

The Dumbest Question Ever Asked!

TheDumbest Question Ever Asked!

Psalm 78:19-22

1. The Actions of God’s People.
 (A) They Were Faithless.
 (B) They Were Forgetful.
 (C) They Were Foolish.
2. The Actions of The People’s God.
 (A) His Promises
 (B) His Performance
 (C) His Power
 (D) His Patience
3. The Actions God’s People Need to Take Today.
 (A) Have Confidence in God.
 (B) Call to Mind His Past Works.
 (C) Carry Out His Commandments.

This is the Greatest Show on Earth. Nothing Can Stop Us Now.

1. Do Not Become Complacent
         Romans 12:11
2.  Fan the Fire
         2 Timothy 1:6-8
3.  Confess
         1 John 1:9
4. Set Aside Time
        Matthew 6:24
5. We Need Community
        Hebrews 10:24-25