What Sports Fans Can Teach Christians: How To Be a Jesus Fan

Acts 26:24-25 

1.Sports fans are faithful, they don't conform.  

1.Acts 1:8 

2.Sports fans are spenders, they don't withhold.  

1.2 Corinthians 8:7 

3.Sports fans are tireless, they don't rest.  

1.Colossians 3:23 

4.Sports fans are loyal, they don't switch.  

1.John 6:66-68 

5.Sports fans are passionate, they don't give up.  

1.Philippians 3:14 


Jesus Fans or Jesus Followers

John 6 

•As a fan of God I will never experience everything God has for my life.  

What's the difference? 

•Fans: there is always a moment of separation  

◦make excuses as to why they can't obey 

◦Can't "afford" to tithe 

•Followers: there is always a moment of surrender.  

◦Commits to surrender and obey.  

◦Gives tithe to church 

Will ye also go away? 

A Spiritual Visitation

Ezekiel 37:10,14 

  1. Don't you ever doubt in the darkness what God confirmed to you in the light! 

What happens when God breaks through the heavens.  

  1. 1.Vitalized 

    1. 1."and they lived" 

  2. 2.Energized 

    1. 1."stood up upon their feet" 

  3. 3.Mobilized 

    1. 1."an exceedingly great army" 

  4. 4.Utilized 

    1. 1.vs.14 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Exercise With Godliness: Drop and Give Me 25

1 Timothy 4:7-8 

When it comes to godly exercise the Bible tells us: 

  1. 1.Exercise Yourself- It is a personal matter  

    1. 1.Godliness is not something you just let go and let God.  

  2. 2.It is a profitable matter 

  3. 3.It is a progressive matter  

  1. Godliness comes from the words "God like"  

God's 25 for 25 

  1. 1.The exercise of Prayer 

  2. 2.The exercise of the Bible 

  3. 3.The exercise of Memorization 

  4. 4.The exercise of Good Deeds for Church 

  5. 5.The exercise of Good Deeds for Fellow Man 

  6. 6.The exercise of Faith 

  7. 7.The exercise of Forgiveness  

  8. 8.The exercise of Love 

  9. 9.The exercise of Tithing 

  10. 10.The exercise of Friendship  

  11. 11.The exercise of Family 

  12. 12.The exercise of Temptation 

  13. 13.The exercise of Church 

  14. 14.The exercise of Tongue  

  15. 15.The exercise of Being Poor in Spirit 

  16. 16.The exercise of Mourning  

  17. 17.The exercise of Meekness  

  18. 18.The exercise of Hunger  

  19. 19.The exercise of Mercy 

  20. 20.The exercise of Purity 

  21. 21.The exercise of Peacemaker 

  22. 22.The exercise of Troublemaker 

  23. 23.The exercise of Persecution 

  24. 24.The exercise of Being A Salty Saint 

  25. 25.The exercise of Being a Light 

People God Won't Save

People God Won't Save 

Morris Anderson 

  1. 1.The self righteous 

    1. 1.Luke 18:9-14 

  2. 2.Those who try to come to him in some other way.  

    1. 1.John 5:31-40 

      1. 1.It is the witness of John 

      2. 2.The works of Jesus 

      3. 3.The work of Jehovah  

  3. 3.The Hippocrates  

    1. 1.Matthew 23:13-15 

      1. 1.Hippocrates outside the church 

      2. 2.Hippocrates inside the church 

    2. 2.2 Peter 2:20 

    3. 3.Matthew 12:31-32 

  4. 4.The people who are dead 

    1. 1.It is sealed when you are dead.