Where Do You Find Joy?

John 15:11 

These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.  

reference verse: 

John 15:1-5 


1.Place of absolute dependence 

1.Without Him, we can do nothing.  

2.Place of absolute security 

1.As long as the vine is alive, the branch will live. 


1.Questions for the branch 

1.How are you doing? 

2.Why are you so peaceful? 

3.How do you do this? 

2.Circumstances can not take away the joy provided from abiding in the vine.  

3.Productivity (v8) 

1.How do you know if you're walking in faith by Christ? 

1.Your life will be bearing fruit 


1.To glorify the Father 

Living Powerfully Godly

3 Major reasons life is so hard: 

1.It is busy... There is more to do than time permits each day.  

1.We should be productive and not busy.  

2.It is distracting... Many things draw and tug at our minds trying to get our attention.  

3.It is also evil... There is darkness pressing in around our hearts and souls each moment as the last days breathe down upon us.  

Hebrews 11: 4-8 

Abel - In Abel's life it is called Offering to God. (4) 

Enoch - Enoch's life is called Walking with God. (5) 

Noah - Noah's life is called Obeying God.  (7) 

Abraham - Abraham's life is called Believing in God. (8) 

•They studied the word of God.  

Stop Cheating God, Give God What He Looking For

Malachi 1:2-10

When we give God what He is looking for, we get what we're looking for. 

    v 10 "I am not pleased with you," says the Lord of Hosts,             

            "and I will accept no offering from your hands."

They were doubting Gods character. 

    v2 " I have loved you," says the Lord. But you ask: "How

           have you loved us?"

Doubting salvation is questioning His character. 

Doubting Gods love is questioning His character. 

Doubting Gods Forgiveness doubting His character. 

Doubting Gods Word is questioning His character

They were not showing God any honor. 


There was no obedience. 

There was no worship. 

Were not taking God serious. 

They were angry about Gods requirements. 


They were not giving God their best. 


Are You A Reader or A Doer?

James 1:22-25 

  1. 1.There is a warning against misuse.  

  2. 2.Belief and behavior go hand in hand.  

  3. 3.Study The Word 

    1. 1.Study the Bible! 

    2. 2.Stay with it! 

    3. 3.Seek the action 

      1. 1.Is there an example I need to follow  

      2. 2.Is there a sin for me to confess? 

      3. 3.Is there a promise for me to claim? 

      4. 4.Is there a prayer for me to repeat? 

      5. 5.Is there a condition for me to repeat? 

      6. 6.Memorize the text.  

      7. 7.Is there an obstacle God wants to avoid?