10 irrational ideas we must give up if we want to be the Christians that God would have us to be.

10 irrational ideas we must give up if we want to be the Christians that God would have us to be.

Irrational- something that is senseless or illogical.

1.Dire necessity, loved, approved, everyone, everything.

2.Competent, Adequate, Achieving

    Alternative 2- seek progress through pressing on. 1 Corinthians 10:31

3.Bad, Wicked, Villainous

    Alternative 2- Reject the evil ideas but accept people

4.Terrible, horrible, catastrophic

    Romans 8:28

    Alternative 2- Know that God is in control

Irrational idea= irrational thinking= irrational living

5. Reject the hypothesis that human happiness is externally caused and that you have little or no ability to control your sorrows or rid yourself of your negative feelings. 

  • alternatives:

       •Realize that most of your misery is a result of your own irrational thinking (taking place internally) 

       • your joy should be Christ centered. 

             • Luke 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. 

6. Rid yourself of the idea that if something is or maybe dangerous or fearsome, you should be terribly occupied with and upset about it. 

  • 80% of the things we fear never happen. 

  • 15% are self-fulfilling prophecies. 

  • 5% imagine

       • Alternatives 

           • think through real dangers, don't allow your imagination to take control. 

           • 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.    -Realize the love of God overpowers fear

7. stop trying to run away from many life difficulties and self-responsibilities 

     (Avoid short term hedonism)

  • alternatives: 

       • determine necessary activities and then perform the activity no matter how hard it may seem.  

•Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.       Endure by the awareness that you can do all thing through Christ. 

8. We must give up the idea that the past is all-important and that  

because something once strongly affected your life it should do so  


Alternative: Work daily on the renwing of your mind and stop living in  

the past.

Romans 12:2

9. Give up the idea that if you have to wait, God has forgotten about  


-God may be saying no to the lesser to say yes to the greater.

Alternative: When waiting, seek the wisdom of God.

James 1:5

10. Give up the idea that Maximum human happiness can be achieved by  

passively and uncommittedly enjoying yourself.

Alternative: Roll up your sleeves and get involved with others

Actively pursue the fulness of God.

2 Timothy 2:20-21

The Difference Between What Could Be and What Should Be

The Difference Between What Could Be and What Should Be

Romans 13:11-12

11 And that, knowing the time, that now[ it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now[ is] our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. 

    •Am I a "coulder" or a "shoulder"? 

    •Could: most of us spend way too much time thinking about what could be. 

    •Take out the word could and substitute with with the word should

1. Should shows us the urgency. The urgency of the hour. 

    •When we have a vision there is no could. Could presents the idea. Should shows us the way. Could has an opinion, but should shows us the way. No if in should. No if only in should. 

    •SHOULD says "Let's do it!!! COULD only complains. 

    •Could sits on sideline and complains. Should runs through obstacles. 

    •Should is passionate. 

    •Should is on fire!

    •Should makes comfortable people uneasy. 

    •When should shows up, could has to shut up! 

    • should says there is no other option! There us no other recourse! Do or Die! 

2. Should drives us to look at our spirit condition 

   • A could be- always see the sins failures and faults. 

       • (v13) 

3. Should drives us to put on Christ every single day

       • (v12)

4. Should drives us to get along with one another. 

       • (v13)